"Greetings, my name is Silver Evermore. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Quick Description

Jack of all trades, some more than others. A curious soul that has journeyed the world looking for how to better themself for those around them from exciting things such as being a freelance mercenary and scholar to more humble things such as helping to man their family's tavern.Age: 28
Gender: Fluid
Pronouns: All
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Polyamourus

Story Hooks

  • A story must start somewhere, perhaps you were in their tribe?

  • Maybe you attended lectures or studied magic with them in Old Sharlayan?

  • It could be that Silver either took a job from you in the past, or acted on a job that effected you or someone close to you in some way?

  • Is there a possibility that you trained together at the Marauder's Guild?

  • They played many roles in the Bozjan Resistance, maybe you have met the rumored powerful "Angel in Tattered Robes?"

  • Silver has traveled many places and participated in freelance work everywhere around this world (and the Source). Did they meet you there? Craft something for you? The possibilities are endless!


From their humble beginnings as a child in the Dalmascan woods, there was a boy who always wondered what the world outside the forest looked like. Silver grew up under another name, one they threw away when they left the mentor that left them and one of their nearly mortally wounded friends to fend for themselves. After days of surviving, they stumbled across the help they would desperately need in the form of a Sharlayan gleaner party, who took them back to a nearby village that acted as their base of operations. The boy had has their wish fulfilled in the most unexpected way, and now that they had a taste, and a fear of going home, they chased after it. They persuaded the gleaners to take them back to the their Island of Knowledge, so they could learn all that they could about everything.Time passed and as a curious teenager in a new part of the world, they learned a lot about themself, how the world worked, and the wonders of magic. They took a keen liking in healing magic, but their guilty pleasure was truly dabbling in different types of thaumaturgic spell slinging. They made many acquaintances there, and they look back on this time there very fondly.As they became an adult, the white stone of the buildings and walkways lost their polish as they was exposed to the more, political ideals of the Forum. They took the opportunity to leave to journey to a new place, their new home, Limsa Lominsa. They felt a bit out of their element, but the eagerness of exploring new places back from when they were a kid was still fresh in their mind, and that's what drove them forward. They seeked out people, places, and trades to dip his toes into. Soon, they found themselves in the home of the Marauders Guild, "toughening up" as all the warriors around them called it, learning how to wield and axe to protect their fellow warriors. He also interacted especially with Alka Zolka, taking the beginnings as what they learned as an arcanist and developing it into being a scholar that had both intellect, and mild brawn.Over the next years of his adventuring, they came into contact with many people, seen the sights of several continents and shards, and their knowledge of craft, blade, fist, and focuses have grown exceptionally from their life experience and the wisdom of others that have helped them along their path. They fought and aided resistances, helped keep the natural balance of the world (albeit in a minuscule way), discovered for themself what it means to live and love, started a family, and made a life that a small child in the woods struggling to survive could see and be inspired.


In a public setting, they are generally quiet and reserved. This soul won't generally approach someone unless it's for a purposeful interaction, such as placing an order or conducting business.
In a space where they are more comfortable, they are more content to get up and interact with people, talk with some familiar faces, and lay down some chatter.
Work wise, they are a being of their word. If there is something that needs doing, They'll utilize everything in their contacts and skillset to make sure that item is procured, transaction is done, or beast is hunted. The only thing that will stop them from completing things is their strong moral code.

Other Important Blips

♥ Yuki Evermore, Husband
♥ Kaitlyn and Alie Evermore, Children
♥ Daizo Handa, Father-in-Law
♥ Talindra Arayra, Casual Relationship
♦ Bronze Kitsune Tavern and Inn
♦ Mystic Medicine Shop
Current Projects, Occupations, Interests
☼ Working as a freelance merc for some extra gil
☼Learning Alchemy from their Husband
+Specializes in most jobs, battle and craft, but is more advanced with...
> Disciple of War - Warrior, Dragoon
> Disciple of Magic - Black Mage, Red Mage, White Mage, and Sage
>Disciple of the Hand - Culinarian
>Disciple of the Land - Botanist

Important Rules

  • Any relations with Silver the character do not translate to Silver the player.

  • Screenshot requests that involve mods will require requester to either send a MCDF file, or be present for the gpose and provide a mare code. I will not be downloading mods due to security reasons and for the sake of not making mods used for one screenshot do not clash with my mods

  • Feel free to walk up and rp with me if I'm alone somewhere (I might need a small tell to get my attention sometimes.) But if it looks like I'm already engaging with someone, please ask me first before stepping in.

  • I want to make it clear that Silver is not actively seeking new long-term romantic partners, but they remain open to the concept. When meeting people, their primary goal is to get to know you before considering deeper involvement. Silver is in an open relationship. They is open to casual encounters, going on dates, or engaging in long-term casual relationships, but their partners and family will always be their top priority.

  • Boundaries are very important to me. If I make you uncomfortable, please /tell me. I am more than willing to rewrite, revise, clarify, or avoid topics as needed. Same goes vice versa.

  • Anything past the typical kind of RP (wink wonk), please ask for limits/interests.

  • Do not take credit for my works or characters, please make sure to give credit by tagging me


Be certain you've read my rules and boundaries

As of this time, I will only be taking a few clients a night to test the waters

  • Bookings for Conversation and RP - All are welcome to walk up and talk! Perhaps a small fee if you wish to move to a private room.

  • Bookings regarding ERP - 200,000 gil per hour and 500,000 for night buyout.

  • Tarot Cards! - 5,000 gil per card. Ask for spread prices.

  • Gposing - Starting at 5,000 gil, case by case specific, please inquire. (Examples of my works can be found by visiting my twitter account in the media tab, please feel free to peruse)

Prices updated of 2/9/24